• Question: Do you enjoy your job?

    Asked by Darragh Moran to Eoin, Fiona, Ivor, Karl, Pattie on 27 Feb 2018.
    • Photo: Pattie Mathieu

      Pattie Mathieu answered on 27 Feb 2018:

      I enjoy my job. Sometimes it can be very challenging, but that’s worth it to learn new things about the subject I am researching.

    • Photo: Eoin McEvoy

      Eoin McEvoy answered on 27 Feb 2018:

      Yes, I love learning new skills and applying them to solve problems. In particular I find it very fun to use maths to describe how the body behaves – like simulating how much force a cell can produce.

    • Photo: Ivor Geoghegan

      Ivor Geoghegan answered on 27 Feb 2018:

      I really enjoy what I do. It can be hard from time to time, especially when your experiments don’t work as you have hoped. But the people are wonderful and it is a great feeling when your experiments do work out! 🙂
